3/13 – 3/14 Week 8 Spring 🎮

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  • #44564

    3/13 #LeagueOfLegends 🎮
    #LEC ▪39-18|68.4%|+18.64u

    #MSFWin -280
    #SKWin +338
    #G2Army -357

    ⬇️Parley ml +121

    Might be safe adding Origen to parley. Im passing only 20cents kore value and they playing remotely for 1st time.


    3/13 #LeagueOfLegends 🎮
    #LEC ▪39-18|68.4%|+18.64u

    #MSFWin -280
    #SKWin +338
    #G2Army -357

    ⬇️Parley ml +121

    LEC cancelled until further notice.⚠️

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