3/1 NBA πŸ€

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  • #52782

    3/1 #NBATwitter
    #NBA75 β–ͺ︎9-13-0|40.9%|-3.35u

    #RaisedByWolves +3 -110(3u)
    #RaisedByWolves +135

    Double fading here.
    Ben and Lemon both at different lines.
    Caution regardless when fading (they on GSW for clarity)


    3/1 #NBATwitter
    #NBA75 β–ͺ︎11-13-0|45.8%|+1.00u

    #RaisedByWolves +3 -110(3u)πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°
    #RaisedByWolves +135πŸ’°


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